MHS Band Boosters
What is a Band Parent ?


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What is a Band Parent ?
A band parent is one whose child is the greatest. 
From the first note, (perhaps squeak is more descriptive)through the monotonous scales, the parent beams because this young msucuan is learning so fast.
A band parent quickly learns that it requires considerable hard work, time and money to have a championship band. After extending credit to purchase an instrument and finally locating a pair of all-white marching tennis shoes, the harried parent is then introduced to fund raising campaigns. This usually means selling concessions during football games while the band is doing the half-time show. In between runs on the concession stand, the parent dreams of a day when oil will be discovered in the end zone suffiencent to finance all school functions, beginning with the band. 
A band parent is a calm, multipurpose machine who can bring order out of choas of getting ready for a high school football game. Dad rushes to the stadium concession stand to help set-up, while Mom finds the other black sock, combs hair (off the collar), and herds the family int to the van for a speed-breaking dash to the bandroom. The following week the game is away and the band parents beocme chaperones, and dispensers of hair pins, safety pins, aspirin and other essentials.
A band parent is one who when attending away games gets to see the half-time show, but unless they move to the "oppenent" side, they only see the back of the band and hear an echo.

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